Our Story

H37P! evolved from Univ Studio. Univ Studio was created in 2016 to cultivate creative expression in the community by hosting events, fundraisers and joint ventures that gave individuals a safe space to cultivate the kinds of expression that improve our own lives and that of the larger community.

As the years progressed and COVID brought forth greater need for safe spaces that cultivate resources for mental health, the Derby was established as a communal hub for endeavors led by H37P! complete with gathering space, sauna, healing modalities, music and recording studio, meditative classrooms and more to provide a multi-functional campus for workshops, groups, events, and gatherings in support of overall well-being.

Today, our goal is to provide individuals and community a safe space to build community, foster awareness and dialogue about mental health, and engage in practices that create long-term vitality and well-being. H37P! reaches thousands of individuals annually through personal growth, education, and outreach programs. We also have a broad array of local community leaders who discuss their struggles with health in the community.

Join our community and stay tuned to upcoming opportunities to engage

Community Need

With the overwhelming realities of mental health challenges in our communities, most of the community resources in public health agencies get funneled into ‘downstream’ responses to these challenges. We believe that both responsive and preventative strategies are needed to move the needle forward and prevent both burnout and reactive responses to these societal obstacles.

Our approach is three-fold:

First, de-stigmatize mental health to help individuals join the conversation early.

Next, help individuals and communities adopt health promoting behaviors by offering educational services that teach healthy well-being and increase access by putting these practices into the hands of individuals and communities.

Lastly, connect and immerse individuals in an intergenerational and diverse community of ongoing support.

Ultimately, our aim is to create an ecosystem that helps invite people into this conversation early, fortify individuals by teaching the tools to cultivate whole health and bring together a variety of resources that focus on preventative and responsive access to well-being. We understand the burden that our public institutions and social services are responding to within this post COVID climate. As such, we also know the most effective way to support our future is to get ahead of the problem by bringing these skills into the heart of our everyday lives infused with support by the community at large.

With advocacy and education, we can transform these staggering realities for our community today. H37P! seeks to radicalize mental and emotional health by bringing it to the center of our lives helping to reduce addictions, suicide and other destructive coping mechanisms that further exacerbate the rising mental illnesses and community challenges experienced in this post COVID climate.